
Some game content was generated by AI, including images created with Midjourney and DALL·E, as well as music composed using Additional content comes from open-source resources, including sound effects from and art elements from The game was developed in Unity using Fungus as the editorial tool.


Tanya Endshpill

Tanya Endshpill

LinkedIn Profile
Emeline PETIT

Emeline PETIT

LinkedIn Profile
Kayleigh van Dongen

Kayleigh van Dongen

LinkedIn Profile
Györgyi Szakmár

Györgyi Szakmár

LinkedIn Profile
Juri Pelzer

Juri Pelzer

LinkedIn Profile
Jimmy Fischer

Jimmy Fischer

LinkedIn Profile
Chi Kiet Phu

Chi Kiet Phu

LinkedIn Profile
Benedetta Lacitignola

Benedetta Lacitignola

LinkedIn Profile

Advisory Board

Benjamin Joly

National Cybersecurity Competence Centre Luxembourg

Benoit Fortemps

Lycée des Arts et Métiers

Cedric Mauny

Telindus Luxembourg

Pascal Steichen

Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity

Merlin Rastoder


Krystina Gray

Women Cyber Force

Special thanks

Lycée Athénée de Luxembourg

Lycée Athénée de Luxembourg

Students and Professors

Lycée Guillaume Kroll

BTS Cyber Sécurité - Lycée Guillaume Kroll

Students and Professors

Lycée des Arts et Métiers

Lycée des Arts et Métiers

Students and Professors